At this stage in life, some of the financial issues you may find yourself dealing with are: |
Cash, check, and credit card
A gift of cash is easy to make, and the gift is not subject to gift or estate tax. A contribution of cash or by a check that is postmarked in December is deductible for that tax year—even if Colgate receives it in January—provided the account against which the check was written had sufficient funds to cover it in December. A contribution by credit card must be made by December 31 in order to be deductible for that tax year.
Charitable gift annuity
In exchange for your gift, Colgate will provide payments for life to you or a beneficiary you designate.
Deferred-payment charitable gift annuity
If you are making the maximum annual contribution to your retirement account but are unsure whether there will be enough income when you retire, consider establishing a deferred-payment charitable gift annuity with Colgate.
Charitable remainder unitrust
Provides for annual payments to the designated beneficiary(ies) of a specified percentage—at least 5% of the value of the trust as it is valued each year. Since the value may vary year to year, the payments may vary.
Charitable remainder annuity trust
Provides for payment of a fixed-dollar amount—annually or at more frequent intervals—to the designated beneficiary(ies). The amount must equal at least 5% of the initial fair-market value of the trust.
Charitable bequest
If you would like to make a substantial gift to charity but you do not have the current disposable income or assets to do so now, consider a charitable bequest.
Gifts of retirement plans at death
Retirement-plan benefits left to heirs are often more highly taxed than other assets. Consider giving them to Colgate instead to make a meaningful gift and leave other assets to heirs.
The discussion herein is general in nature and may not apply to all individuals. Prospective donors are urged to consult their personal tax and financial advisors concerning the specific consequences of making gifts to Colgate. We would be pleased to discuss, in confidence, ways in which you may support Colgate. These measures may also have an impact on your estate planning.
© Pentera, Inc. Planned giving content. All rights reserved.